In case of fire, DO NOT call 911, call Forestry 407-856-6512 | Gate Emergency: 321-437-5447


$25.00 per person covers membership dues ($23.26) and sales tax ($1.74) Membership is for one (1) year from date of joining. The purpose of this organization is to create and support a network of landowners and persons interested in preserving the integrity of Suburban Estates, Osceola County, FL. To have an organization that will deal with issues that benefit Suburban Estates landowners and conduct projects that will supplement the efforts of said organization.

Membership Options

There are three classes of members, one of which (the landowner) shall be of voting members and the remainder of which shall be on non-voting members.  Only voting members shall have all the rights and privileges of members of SEPA Club Inc.

Property Owner having paid annual dues to SEPA Club Inc.  A Property Owner must own property in the sections designated by Osceola County, Florida as Suburban Estates, located in Township 27 South, Range 31 East and 32 East.

Non-voting member.  To qualify as an Associate Member, you must pay the annual dues to SEPA and be a friend or family member of a current property owner.  That property owner must sponsor your request for Associate Membership in writing, including their parcel number, and must be approved by the Executive Committee. An Associate Member is automatically dropped from the membership when his/her sponsor sells their property. This membership has no voting rights, but member may attend meetings to voice their concerns.

An automatic membership is issued to any person owning a key to the main gate allowing them access to their property and registered with SEPA Club Inc. Key Committee. This membership has no voting rights, but the member may attend meetings to voice their concerns.  A Key Member may upgrade to a Voting Member status upon payment of the annual dues.

To become a Key Member, fill out our key request form.

Membership Application Form

Please fill out the form below. Optionally, you may download and fill out out the PDF application.